To be best prepared for the future, we must provide children with real tools for the real world – tools that support them into leading purposeful lives driven by their strengths.

At UCI, we bridge the gap between schools and effective and beneficial programs. We offer dynamic experiences based on scientific evidence that give life skills to thrive.

As children make sense of the world, we guide them with healthy habits of mind, body, and emotions that boost positive relationships with oneself, others, and the environment.


Is to promote healthy behaviors in children that increase their individual quality of life and that support prosperity for humanity.


Is to be the leading influencer in children – impacting every child as possible to maximize their true potential.

We believe the scientific approach is our best bet to achieve our mission and vision


Intervention Mapping (IM) is the framework we use to develop effective theory and evidence-based health promotion programs.

In this iterative process we:

  1. Discover what positive behaviors children need and parents want.
  2. Define determinants, based on cognition or capabilities, that need to be changed – and assign specific and measurable performance objectives.
  3. Select techniques, tools, and methods to induce changes in the determinants.
  4. Create the program.
  5. Align with schools and capacitate guides to impart the program.
  6. Design an evaluation model to measure our process and effect on children.

 After these six steps, we implement, evaluate, and refine the program for the next implementation.


Scientific communities have pioneers leading research and development in their specific field.

At UCI, we partner with these experts to create the best programs based on insights and empirical evidence.


Effective programs are always evolving.

Our R&D department is continuously receiving quantitative and qualitative data. This feedback system enables us to improve our programs while providing a digital platform for guides to rate and share best practices.

Our guides are committed to maintaining and improving satisfaction for children, parents, and schools.


Guides are the face of UCI.

Instead of having teachers who impart classes, we have guides who craft pathways for well-being and success. Our specialized guides are role models of the specific behavior they are promoting.

With ratios of ten children per guide, we support them with the necessary tools and environment to guide effectively.

We develop our master programs with the world and the future in mind

Behavior scientists and scientific authorities collaborate to create our master programs. These programs are then adapted to different cultures and are tailored to the wants and needs of schools, parents, and children.

Our programs are designed to be:

  • Scalable
  • Cross-cultural
  • Measurable and driven by data
  • Science based
  • Systematized for feedback
  • Adaptable to technology
  • Child centered
  • Behavior promoting
  • Strengths focused
  • Creating habits of mind, body, and emotions
  • Developing positive relationships with others, one self, and the environment

Each program is given at specific ages between four and twelve, aimed at targeting the child at their optimal stage of development.

An essential part of our needs assessment is to identify the demand of each program.
Please submit your vote to contribute to our decision-making for future program development.


True progress is when positive behaviors are long lasting and taken into adulthood.

In order to achieve this, we focus on habit formation. Children explore different healthy mental, physical, and emotional habits that support the behavior being promoted.


We understand that each child learns differently.

Each child also has different ways of approaching life and is predisposed towards different strengths. We respect individuality and enable exercises to be tailored per child’s personality, strengths, interests, and beliefs.

Child Handbook

Each child receives a personal handbook that accompanies each program. This handbook includes actions, behaviors, and intentions to be experienced outside of school. Parents are expected to be involved and participate at home with their children.


We all possess different strengths that allow us to flourish in life.

Each program we offer is a potential strength for each child enrolled. We identify individual strengths and inspire children to maximize their true potential by using them in different areas of their lives.

Positive education also facilitates us with tools to increase child’s well-being, positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.